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April 2004

Apr 1: Thur      PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Rotary _ at Park Hills Country Club, noon (every Thursday at noon)
Pratt Varsity Boys Tennis _ Home--3:00p.m.
Bicycle Safety _ Haskins Elementary--3:30 - 4:15p.m.
Skyline Middle School Pre-Music Festival Practice _ Skyline School--3:30 - 6:00p.m.
All Veteran's Memorial Complex Exec. Committee meeting _ Chamber of Commerce Office--4:30p.m.
TOPS _ Taking Off Pounds Sensibly _ First Church of the Nazarene, 1120 Glenarm, 5:30p.m. (held every Thursday)
Skyline USD 438 Foundation meeting _ Skyline School--6:00p.m.
Southwest Elementary Skate Night _ Rolla Rena--6:30 - 8:30p.m.
Apr 2: Fri PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Pratt Chamber Ambassador Visit _ Bee Well Herbs, 122 S. Main--10:00a.m.
Southwest Elementary SPFO Carnival _ Pratt Municipal Building--5:00 - 8:00p.m.
Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry's _ Knights of Columbus Hall, 1223 N. Main, 6:00-8:00p.m.  (Carry out available).  Menu: FRESH catfish fillets and all the trimmings.  February 27, March 5, 12, 19, 26, & April 2
Apr 3: Sat PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Apr 4: Sun Daylight Savings Time Begins
Palm Sunday
PCC Student Art Exhibit _ PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
BINGO _ Knights of Columbus Hall, 7:00p.m.  (Every Sunday)
Apr 5: Mon PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
5th Grade Math Mania _ Southwest Elementary--8:45 - 11:00a.m.
Liberty MS Spring Musical _ Liberty MS--9:30a.m.--Liberty MS Musical Tour following.
Pratt Area Economic Development Corporation meeting _ Chamber office, 3:30p.m.  (Every 1st & 3rd Monday)
Bicycle Safety _ Southwest Elementary--3:30 - 4:15p.m.
Jr. MSAA Quiz Bowl _ Pratt--4:00p.m.
Bingo _ Pratt Elks Club--7:00p.m.
Beginning Karate Classes _ Haskins Elementary Gym, 7:00-8:30p.m.  For ages 7 and older.  Please call Pratt Recreation to enroll or for more information 620-672-3261.  Mondays, March 1 to April 26
Pratt Community Concert _ Pratt Municipal Building, 7:30p.m.  "Red, Hot...& Blue"
Apr 6: Tue PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Leadership 2000 PLUS Class _ 8:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.
Bicycle Safety _ Haskins Elementary--3:30 - 4:15p.m.
Pratt HS Varsity/JV Softball vs. TMP _ Home--4:00p.m.
Weight Watchers _ First Christian Church, 123 N. Ninnescah--5:30p.m.
KLA Free Dinner _ For more information please contact Pratt Co. KLA Director Cliff Kenworthy at 620-672-6448 or 620-672-6745. For all Pratt Co. livestock producers.
Ninnescah Rural Electric Cooperative Assn., Inc. 66th Annual meeting _ Pratt Municipal Building--Registration begins at 6:00p.m.
Liberty Middle School Spring Musical _ Liberty MS--7:00p.m.
Apr 7: Wed PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Pratt USD 382 Administrator's Staff meeting _ Central Offices--9:30a.m.
Haskins Elementary Site Council meeting _ 11:30a.m.
Leader Full meeting _ Pratt Teen Center--11:30a.m. - 1:30p.m.--To be held with local Youth Leadership organizations.
Lions Club meeting _ Club D´Est, Noon (meets every Wednesday)
Southwest and Haskins Elementary 4th Grade Orientation _ Southwest Elementary--1:15p.m.
Skyline HS Cheer Clinic _ Skyline Little Gym--3:00 - 5:00p.m.
Bicycle Safety _ Southwest Elementary--3:30 - 4:15p.m.
Skyline PDC meeting _ 3:45p.m.
Kansas Honors Program _ Park Hills Country Club--7:00p.m.
Advanced Karate Classes _ Pratt High School Wrestling Room, 7:00-9:00p.m. For ages 7 and older.  Please call Pratt Recreation to enroll or for more information 620-672-3261.  Wednesdays, March 3 to April 28
Apr 8: Thur PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
No School--USD 382 Pratt students
Pratt Area Chamber of Commerce City Promotion meeting _ Chamber office--8:30p.m.
Rotary _ at Park Hills Country Club, noon (every Thursday at noon)
TOPS _ Taking Off Pounds Sensibly _ First Church of the Nazarene, 1120 Glenarm, 5:30p.m. (held every Thursday)
All Veteran's Memorial Complex Full Committee meeting _ Pratt Historical Museum--7:00p.m.
Piano Recital _ Liberty Middle School Auditorium--7:30p.m.--Given by the students of Eldonna Stoops, the public is welcome.
Apr 9: Fri Good Friday
No School--Pratt and Skyline schools
PCC Student Art Exhibit _ PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Easter Pageant _ 1st Assembly of God Church--7:00p.m.
Apr 10: Sat PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Easter Egg Hunt _ First Assembly of God Church--1:30 - 3:00p.m.
Easter Pageant _ 1st Assembly of God Church--7:00p.m.
Apr 11: Sun Easter Sunday
PCC Student Art Exhibit _ PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Easter Pageant _ 1st Assembly of God Church--10:30a.m.
BINGO _ Knights of Columbus Hall, 7:00p.m.  (Every Sunday)
Apr 12: Mon PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Bicycle Safety _ Southwest Elementary--3:30 - 4:15p.m.
Pratt HS Varsity/JV Softball vs. Chaparral _ Home--4:00p.m.
Pratt HS Varsity Baseball vs. Chaparral _ Home--4:00p.m.
Lions Club Pancake and Sausage Supper _ Pratt Elks Lodge--4:30 - 8:00p.m.
Skyline T-Bird Club meeting _ Skyline School--6:00p.m.
Beginning Karate Classes _ Haskins Elementary Gym, 7:00-8:30p.m.  For ages 7 and older.  Please call Pratt Recreation to enroll or for more information 620-672-3261.  Mondays, March 1 to April 26
Bingo _ Pratt Elks Club--7:00p.m.
Pratt USD 382 Board of Education meeting _ Central Offices--7:00p.m.
Pratt USD 382 DARE Skate Night _ Rolla Rena--7:00 - 9:00p.m.--For grades K-5.
Skyline USD 438 Board of Education meeting _ 7:30p.m.
Apr 13: Tue PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Pratt Chamber Women's Conference meeting _ 7:00a.m.
Pratt Public School Foundation meeting _ Central Offices--Noon
Bicycle Safety _ Haskins Elementary--3:30 - 4:15p.m.
Weight Watchers _ First Christian Church, 123 N. Ninnescah--5:30p.m.
Pratt HS Band and Choir Contest Concert _ Liberty MS--7:30p.m.
RN to BSN Reception _ Pratt Community College, Chandler Hall Room 433 (New Nursing Building)--8:00p.m.--For registered nurses interested in a BSN degree offered in Pratt from Ft. Hays State Univ. and PCC.--For more information call Dr. Karolyn Kells at 785-628-4519.
Apr 14: Wed PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Kiwanis Club meeting _ Don's Servateria--6:45a.m.
Sacred Heart Endowment meeting _ Pratt Chamber Office--10:00a.m.
RN to BSN Reception _ Pratt Community College, Chandler Hall Room 433 (New Nursing Building)--11:00a.m.--For registered nurses interested in a BSN degree offered in Pratt from Ft. Hays State Univ. and PCC.--For more information call Dr. Karolyn Kells at 785-628-4519.
Lions Club meeting _ Club D´Est, Noon (meets every Wednesday)
Pratt USD 382 Superintendent's Advisory Council meeting _ Central Offices--Noon
Skyline Cheerleading Tryouts _ Middle School 2:30 - 3:30p.m. and High School 3:30p.m.
Bicycle Safety _ Southwest Elementary--3:30 - 4:15p.m.
Advanced Karate Classes _ Pratt High School Wrestling Room, 7:00-9:00p.m. For ages 7 and older.  Please call Pratt Recreation to enroll or for more information 620-672-3261.  Wednesdays, March 3 to April 28
Apr 15: Thur PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
State Band/Choir Festival _ Large Groups at Liberty MS and Pratt Community College
Student-Led Advisor base Parent Conferences _ Liberty MS--8:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.
Rotary _ at Park Hills Country Club, noon (every Thursday at noon)
Bicycle Safety _ Haskins Elementary--3:30 - 4:15p.m.
TOPS _ Taking Off Pounds Sensibly _ First Church of the Nazarene, 1120 Glenarm, 5:30p.m. (held every Thursday)
Pratt Community College production of "Honk" _ PCC Carpenter Auditorium--7:30p.m.--This is a musical version of the classic children's story "The Ugly Duckling". "Honk" is a funny family show and will be presented Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Cost is $5 for the general public, PCC students get in free with a student ID.
Apr 16: Fri PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
No School at Pratt HS _ Student Conferences--8:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.
Leadership 2000 PLUS Committee meeting _ Pratt Chamber Office--7:00a.m.
Community Development meeting _ at Park Hills Country Club, noon (held every 3rd Friday)
Skyline Site Council meeting _ Skyline School--Noon
Senior Dance _ Pratt Senior Center--7:00 - 10:00p.m.--Melody and Alan will play.
Pratt Community College production of "Honk" _ PCC Carpenter Auditorium--7:30p.m.--This is a musical version of the classic children's story "The Ugly Duckling". "Honk" is a funny family show and will be presented Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Cost is $5 for the general public, PCC students get in free with a student ID.
Apr 17: Sat PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Skyline HS Prom _ Dinner 6:30p.m.; Dance 8:00 - 11:30p.m.; After Prom Midnight - 5:00a.m.
Wrestling Potluck _ Pratt Teen Center--7:00 - 10:00p.m.--All HS Youth welcome--no charge.
Pratt Community College production of "Honk" _ PCC Carpenter Auditorium--7:30p.m.--This is a musical version of the classic children's story "The Ugly Duckling". "Honk" is a funny family show and will be presented Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Cost is $5 for the general public, PCC students get in free with a student ID.
Apr 18: Sun PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
BINGO _ Knights of Columbus Hall, 7:00p.m.  (Every Sunday)
Apr 19: Mon PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Pratt Area Economic Development Corporation meeting _ Chamber office, 3:30p.m.  (Every 1st & 3rd Monday)
Bicycle Safety _ Haskins Elementary--3:30 - 4:15p.m.
Skyline OWLS meeting _ Skyline Library--3:45p.m.
Skyline Parent Teacher Conferences _ 5:00 - 8:00p.m.--For grades 6-12
Pratt USD 382 Scholarship Banquet _ Pratt Municipal Building--6:30p.m.
Haskins Elementary Skate Night _ Rolla Rena--6:30 - 8:30p.m.
Beginning Karate Classes _ Haskins Elementary Gym, 7:00-8:30p.m.  For ages 7 and older.  Please call Pratt Recreation to enroll or for more information 620-672-3261.  Mondays, March 1 to April 26
Bingo _ Pratt Elks Club--7:00p.m.
USD 382 I.C.E. Board meeting _ SCKSEC Office--7:15p.m.
SCKSEC Board meeting _ SCKSEC Office--7:30p.m.
Apr 20: Tue PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Leadership 2000 PLUS Class _ 8:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.
Bicycle Safety _ Haskins Elementary--3:30 - 4:15p.m.
Skyline HS Knowledge Master _ Skyline School--6:30p.m.
Dialog on Diversity, with Dessert! _ Pratt Community College, Riney Student Conference Center, Room 312--7:00 - 9:00p.m.--A forum for community leaders to discuss diversity in our community. Facilitated by nationally recognized facilitators, Mary Jo Clark and Pat Heiny. Sponsored by PCC and Pratt Area Chamber of Commerce Leader Full Program. For more information please call Lisa at 620-672-5641.
Apr 21: Wed Secretaries Day
PCC Student Art Exhibit _ PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Pratt Kiwanis Club meeting _ Scott Morse--6:45a.m.
Lesson Leader Training _ K-State Research and Extension office Pratt Co.--10:00a.m.--Training will be on "Who Moved my Cheese". Please call 620-672-6121 to reserve your spot.
Taxing Entity meeting _ 4-H Building @ Pratt Co. Fair Grounds--11:00a.m. - 1:00p.m.
Southwest Elementary Site Council meeting _ 11:30 - 12:30p.m.
Liberty Middle School Site Council meeting _ 12:30p.m.
Lions Club meeting _ Club D´Est, Noon (meets every Wednesday)
Skyline STAT meeting _ Skyline School--3:40p.m.
Skyline Middle School Knowledge Master _ 3:45p.m.
Pratt USD 382 District Steering Committee meeting _ Central Offices--4:00p.m.
Leadership 2000 PLUS Graduation Ceremony _Park Hills--7:00p.m.
Advanced Karate Classes _ Pratt High School Wrestling Room, 7:00-9:00p.m. For ages 7 and older.  Please call Pratt Recreation to enroll or for more information 620-672-3261.  Wednesdays, March 3 to April 28
Apr 22: Thur PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
USD 382 Grade 5 Orientation _ Liberty Middle School--12:30 - 2:30p.m.
Rotary _ at Park Hills Country Club, noon (every Thursday at noon)
Bicycle Safety _ Haskins Elementary--3:30 - 4:15p.m.
TOPS _ Taking Off Pounds Sensibly _ First Church of the Nazarene, 1120 Glenarm, 5:30p.m. (held every Thursday)
Apr 23: Fri PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Fish Bowl Day _ Liberty Middle School--8:30 - 11:30a.m.
Pratt HS Varsity/JV Softball vs. Scott City _ Home--4:00p.m
Pratt HS Varsity/JV Baseball vs. Scott City _ Home--4:00p.m.
Italian Dinner _ Liberty Middle School
Apr 24: Sat PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Health Fair _ 4-H Building at the Pratt County Fair Grounds, 7:30-11:00a.m.
Fundraising Auction to Benefit Dave Taylor _ 9:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.--If you would like to donate items to be auctioned, please contact Tami Morse at 620-672-5012. Please leave a message.
Quilt Show _ Pratt Municipal Building, Saturday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. and Sunday 1:00-5:00p.m.
Apr 25: Sun PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Quilt Show _ Pratt Municipal Building, Saturday 9:00a.m.-5:00p.m. and Sunday 1:00-5:00p.m.
BINGO _ Knights of Columbus Hall, 7:00p.m.  (Every Sunday)
Apr 26: Mon PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
4-H Club Meetings
Bicycle Safety _ Southwest Elementary--3:30 - 4:15p.m.
Diabetes Update Workshop _ Pratt County Fairgrounds--5:30 - 9:00p.m.--Limited to 20. Please call 620-672-6121 or 620-532-5131 for more information or to sign up. Presented by ElderCare Inc. and K-State Research and Extension Barber, Kingman, and Pratt Counties.
Beginning Karate Classes _ Haskins Elementary Gym, 7:00-8:30p.m.  For ages 7 and older.  Please call Pratt Recreation to enroll or for more information 620-672-3261.  Mondays, March 1 to April 26
Apr 27: Tue PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Diabetes Update Workshop _ Pratt County Fairgrounds--9:30a.m. - 2:30p.m.--Limited to 60. Please call 620-672-6121 or 620-532-5131 for more information or to sign up. Presented by ElderCare Inc. and K-State Research and Extension Barber, Kingman, and Pratt Counties.
Pratt Area Chamber of Commerce Board meeting _ Noon--Park Hills
Bicycle Safety _ Haskins Elementary--3:30 - 4:15p.m.
Pratt Convention and Tourism meeting _ Pratt Chamber Office--4:30p.m.
Skyline Band Concert _ Skyline School--7:30p.m.--Grades performing: 5-12.
Apr 28: Wed PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Skyline AB Mixer _ 10:30a.m. - 12:30p.m.--Grades 5-8.
Lions Club meeting _ Club D´Est, Noon (meets every Wednesday)
Bicycle Safety _ Southwest Elementary--3:30 - 4:15p.m.
Skyline SNEA meeting--Skyline School--3:40p.m.
Pratt GATE Parent Advisory Group _ Liberty MS--4:00p.m.
Greenback Booster Club meeting and Spring Feed _ Pratt HS--5:30p.m.
Advanced Karate Classes _ Pratt High School Wrestling Room, 7:00-9:00p.m. For ages 7 and older.  Please call Pratt Recreation to enroll or for more information 620-672-3261.  Wednesdays, March 3 to April 28
Apr 29: Thur PCC Student Art Exhibit--PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Rotary _ at Park Hills Country Club, noon (every Thursday at noon)
Pratt County Wide HEU meeting _ Pratt Co. Fair Grounds 4-H Building--2:00p.m.
Bicycle Safety _ Haskins Elementary--3:30 - 4:15p.m.
TOPS _ Taking Off Pounds Sensibly _ First Church of the Nazarene, 1120 Glenarm, 5:30p.m. (held every Thursday)
Sacred Heart School Music Program _ 7:30p.m.
Apr 30: Fri Arbor Day
PCC Student Art Exhibit _ PCC Delmar Riney Art Gallery--Mixed media on display March 28 to April 30.
Pratt HS Varsity Boys Tennis Invitational Tourney _ Home--10:00a.m.
Pratt HS Varsity/JV Softball vs. Haviland _ Home--4:00p.m.
Pratt HS Varsity/JV Baseball vs. Russell _ Home--4:00p.m.
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